Have you got a large amount of information you need to distribute to your customers? Fancy presenting your information in an alternative way? Want to distribute something with a high perceived value? Why not try our USB Memory Sticks? They make for a sleek, novel and modern way in communicating with your clients, and have numerous benefits for both you and your customer:
Convenient - if your customers are the busy type, the USB Memory Stick is a great way of communicating with them effectively. They are simple, stress free, and mobile, so can be accessed anywhere and everywhere there is a PC.
Useful - customers can often use USB Memory Sticks for their own personal use. This helps build brand awareness, and improve customer relations. All you have to do is leave a little memory space on the stick and you've given your customer a free gift! With the high capacity memory sticks in use today, that's easy.
Brand exposure - customers may use them regularly and in multiple locations, which makes for great exposure, and keeps your brand name at the front of your customer's mind.
Personalised - personalised, interesting and exciting designs. You can tailor the information to your individual customers, resulting in a more direct message. They can also be personalised to your brand and made to encapsulate your values.
We offer USB Memory Sticks in a range of different sizes, from 128mb to a massive 128gb and in an endless array of 'off the shelf' and custom designs. We can also offer an express delivery service, so if you have deadlines to hit, we will be able to get certain designs to you within 5 days of approval.
Why memory sticks?
If you have a sales brochure, product catalogue, promotional videos, or something similar to distribute, you can put them onto the internet. But then you have to get people to actually view or download these items. The internet is a HUGE resource, and it's very easy for your message to get lost in the noise. When you hand some one a USB Memory Stick, you are handing them something of value. It doesn't just carry your content, but is a useful tool in it's own right. Your prospects or customers can use the memory stick to backup or copy their own files. Each time, they'll see your logo and/or message.
Prices continue to fall, so these great little devices are becomming more and more useful as a marketing tool. If you want an 'off the shelf' memory stick with your logo, quantities of less than 1,000 can be supplied fairly quickly. Within about a week or so. For custom designed sticks, or larger quantities, the lead time can increase to three or four weeks.